
Luther’s Primary Works: Together with His Shorter and Larger Catechisms is unavailable, but you can change that!

The works selected for this volume were chosen to introduce the reader to the principles that started the Reformation. The larger catechism, in particular, lays out the foundational tenets of Martin Luther’s theology. Luther’s Primary Works includes Concerning Christian Liberty, The 95 Theses, and more.

We will therefore deal now with these articles in turn, and speak as clearly as possible about them, so far as is necessary. THOU SHALT HAVE NONE OTHER GODS BUT ME. That is, Thou shalt have Me alone for thy God. What is meant by these words, and how are they to be understood? What means it to have a God, or what is God? Answer: God is one from whom we expect all good, and in whom we can take refuge in all our needs, so that to have a God is nothing else than to
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